Friday, March 19, 2010

Hey everyone....not that anyone will read this lol! Just checking this out again. A good friend of mine helped me figure out getting a cute blog up so I believe I am ready to start out in the world of blogging once again. I guess we will just have to see.

The weather has been just gorgeous!! I am not happy that it will be snowing once again. I am WAY ready for the sun to stay out now. My flip-flops and sunglasses are sulking in the closet.

I just recently was a part of my best friend's wedding. It was the first time I had been a bridesmaid and it was loads of fun. My feet really hurt by the end of the day though. That is what I get for wearing heels I!! It was a bittersweet day. I saw my best friend marry the man of her dreams. She was so beautiful!


  1. I too am ready for the snow to end and for Spring to raise its beautiful head once more. I am happy for your friend and pray that her dreams reach her expectations as she journeys through life. May you continue to grow and become more in grace and love as you too continue your journey.. Sophyra

  2. Yay! I love the background you chose! We are looking at about 3 inches of snow right now and it's continually rising. Woof. I love your pictures! <3 Ruth

  3. Neat Blog Hannah!
    You and your sisters are soo pretty and special!
    I love you all very much!
    Keep blogging and hoping!
    Love, Mom

  4. Love the blog Hannah! Im "following" you! lol

  5. I love the new layout, Hannah! It looks so cute and Spring like.
    The picture from the wedding is lovely.;) It sums up a lot! lol.
    Can you believe mum threw out my bouquet? I was wanting to try and dry some of the flowers...

  6. She threw out your bouquet? No fun!! I left mine in Ben's!!
