Thursday, March 25, 2010


I am still trying to convince myself that Spring is really here. It is warm one day and bitter cold the next. I am ready for the steady smile of the sunshine on my face. Today it is raining. The only thing that helps me through these days is to pretend that I live in England....while I sip a warm cup of tea. I place my face close to the cup...the steam curls up and touches my nose with a moist, tea scented kiss. I feel better already.


  1. It is a bit dis-heartening to go outdoors, dressed for warm weather, and have to rush back indoors to change.:P

  2. Hannah! I love your blog so far...and you're quite poetic, but we already knew that :)
    It's nice to know I'm not the only one who pretends to be in the UK. Yesterday, is was quite windy and drizzled the whole day so the trees and bushes where all black and dripping but had little green buds on their tips...reminded me a wee bit of the secret garden.

  3. Sounds like a perfect time to play dress up! You bring the tea!
