Monday, April 12, 2010

Back in the Hospital Again

I kind of associate being in the hospital probably similarly to how the cowboys associated being "back in the saddle"...not very fun, but necessary non-the-less :P .I already knew that my body was not one for handling stress well, but going to the hearing in Vermont was necessary, and now, for the most part it is over.
Anyway, so here I am...bored, sitting in the hospital bed AGAIN!!! I have been sleeping a lot, which can be good I guess....I can't do much else. I would most definitely go bananas if it weren't for Netflix!!! Other than this I take medicine...IV and otherwise, lots of bathroom breaks, try to keep down each meal as it comes. I am the resident ghost that haunts the lonely halls. And then there is the occasional giggle that happens late at night when the male (married....bummer!!) nurse rides the computer cart down the hospital hall like a kid on a shopping cart....LOL!! And I am pretty sure all of the other patients up here are elderly because I can hear them and the nurses quite well from all the way down the hall...trying to understand each other. Yesterday, my elderly lady neighbor was "whooping" and "yahoo-ing" because she got to go home.....I lay there thinking to myself "what did they give her?" "I want some". One guy has no teeth...I am sure of it. Or at least they reside in a container somewhere in the hospital room. Each nurse is different...some wear TONS of make-up, some look scary, and then there are the really nice ones. The one that is on this evening is from India. She is so sweet but I can't understand a word pretty!! She smells like spices.
I keep hearing that the weather is beautiful outside and I want to go out so BAD!!! But until I can Mum and Heather have picked tulips from the garden for me...they are so BEAUTIFUL!!!
Think I will end for now and write more again later.
Thinking that I might be able to go home tomorrow....fingers crossed :D


  1. I bet you are ready to get out of the saddle now.You brave wonderful girl you.
    So you will not have to be going back to Vermont anytime soon?
    I bet the tulips made you happy,they are so gorgeous.:)

  2. You sure know how to make the best out of your situation ... even though you're in a yucky hospital and would rather be outside, your descriptions were very entertaining. They made me smile :)
    I am so glad that you are feeling better and might be able to go home soon!!! As I was saying before, it has really been an answer to prayer... I have been filled with joy and a renewed faith in prayer and God and healing over hearing about your progress :) .... You are continually in my thoughts and prayers Hannah.

    Love you sis xx

  3. I love you Hannah... you are deep in my heart, and some day I am going to get to meet you in person.

    Take really good care, you deserve big hugs...

  4. At least they are bringing Spring in to you though, right?
    I love hearing about all the excitement that goes on at the hospital. lol. Though, I wish you weren't there again!
