Saturday, April 24, 2010

Happy Meals

WOW!!! I am tired!! I spent the nearly the entire day in the emergency room again with Grandma. That chest pain just won't go away. Even though the doctor has me sleeping with my upper body elevated. Kind of weird sleeping sitting up, I know. It beats sitting up with the dead though...not that I ever have, lol!!! It does wonders for your!! I also have this stupid boils thing going again. Stay away from me....I am dangerous....oooooohhhh!!! Be afraid, be VERY afraid!!! When the nurse tried getting the IV in to me today (they had to use a really BIG needle for the kind of tests that they were going to be doing)all of a sudden blood started squirting ALL OVER my pants!!! I don't know why it hit me so funny, but all of a sudden I was laughing and laughing. I guess waiting five plus hours in the waiting room can make you kind of!! So anyway, I guess I am still dealing with acid reflux. It isn't a blood clot or heart problems thankfully. The doctor was even nice enough to lance my REALLY hurts!!! I am sure Grandma thought I was just the tiniest bit slap-happy (which I was :D) after all the!!! That stuff knocks me for a loop!!! After I got out Grandma and I got Happy Meals at McHeartattack. I got a pink crown and Grandma got a barbie!! I don't remember the last time I had a Happy Meal. It was sort of a fun day....minus all the waiting.
This coming week Grandma and I are going to get our little garden put together in the back yard. We are also going to get a few flowers. I am so excited!! I love this time of year!


  1. I haven't had a happy meal in forever.;) They used to be such a treat! lol.
    I'm sorry to hear that the boils are back. Hopefully they heal up soon!

  2. Hannah, I'm so sorry that you are dealing with all these health issues. I'm sure all the stress in your life isn't helping. I am home today with a sick child, but it is restful and a good chance to catch up with loved ones. I am reading your sweet blog and praying for you. Much love.
