Summer is here at last I think. We have had our share of bad weather....tornadoes, thunder, and rain. But the sun is shining today and the breeze is warm.....it tickles the wind-chimes and makes them laugh.
The corn and green-beans have finally peeked out and embraced the sun. The herb garden is absolutely gorgeous!! I love herbs. Grandma and I want to make pesto with the basil this summer...YUM!! Speaking of pesto, I made asparagus pesto the other day...pretty good stuff, but I have decided that I am allergic to asparagus. Every time I eat that stuff I get this metallic taste in my mouth and then I just don't feel right. From now on I will not be eating the stuff. I think that using the recipe that I used for this pesto I will use spinach in it some time. I am sure we are going to be overrun by the tomatoes this year. We will have to have a BLT party.
The day after tomorrow I start my GED tests. I should be freaking out about now, but I feel perfectly calm about it. It just amazes me. Maybe taking all those pre-GED tests were more helpful than I realized. I feel so ready for this. I am really excited about taking it finally. We shall see how it all goes, but my GED instructor is sure I am going to pass, as am I. All of my scores in my pre-GED tests were off the charts. My math is still a little on the weak side, but it the tests I took over the past couple of weeks I scored high enough to pass. So....let's do this!!!

Yesterday I was out taking pictures of the garden and the baby robins. Well, I am not sure if I bumped the fence where the nest is, or if the baby bird jumped out, but one of the babies ended up on the ground. I was just going to leave it because you are not supposed to touch baby birds, but Beau (the dog) saw it and, with tongue hanging wildly out, started to chase the poor thing down (pick on someone your own size, Gosh!!). I decided I had better put it back. Scooped it up....it was so cute and soft...and set it back in the nest. So far they are all doing alright. The parents have not rejected it so far. They are just so darling. Today it is hot and their little heads are poking out from under their mama...they look quite warm under there. I am glad my mom doesn't sit on me when it is hot outside...or any other time for that matter....LOL!!
The sourdough is growing rapidly. I feed it once a week...it is kind of like having a pet. It is starting to smell nice and sour. There was so much dough this weekend that I made a double batch and put two loaves in the freezer. They say you can actually freeze the dough for up to three months. When you get it out you let it thaw out and then feed it once and let it sit over night before you use it. The bread that I baked turned out really, really good this time. It is more sour, and the crust is chewier than last time....YUM!! It made wonderful toast this morning, but the best time to eat it is when it is right out of the oven, so hot that the butter becomes liquid and seeps through the entire piece of the delicious bread. This is when Grandma joins me in the bread-making process...lol!!
Well, not too much else to blog about I guess. Life is full around here....life is good. God is soo good to me.